Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bad Tummies and Bad Doggies!

So, since I have been back at work, Ruby has started pooping inside, making Jay a very unhappy girl. I think it's because of the change in routine, as I work in a night club.
I have tried everything to put her off. EVERYTHING! Lemon juice, vinegar, products from the pet shop, everything. She will only go on the carpet in the hall too, the other end of the house to the back door. Talk about frustrating! When I let her out, she just stands there, looking at me and mouthing off. BUT, she will go outside when we go for a walk. This has resulted in shutting her in whatever room we are in until she creates a fuss to go out and then we go for a nice walk.
A few days ago though, she went straight outside to do her business and started to yelp in pain! The poor girl was constipated.
That put her off for the day. After several trips to the vets, they were stumped. There was nothing wrong with her, no dehydration or intestinal problems, and no glandular issues either. Then he suggested a knob of butter! I thought he must be mad, but he is a Siberia specialist!
Voila! It worked! Within the hour, a nice healthy poop came out and she has been regular ever since.
A mad idea, but it worked!

N.B. You should always consult a vet first, there could be something seriously wrong, and it doesn't hurt to have peace of mind!

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